Norwegian Mountains

Hordaland Mountains: Meland
Introduction will follow... 

Map of Hordaland. Copyright Hordaland Fylkeskommune.
Map design by Geir Ketil Lien


The primary tops (elevation >= 300m, primary factor >= 100m)

Rank Name Height Loc. PF Saddle
Parent M711 Map
1. Eldsfjellet 327m 32 V 283805 6723008 327m - - (island) 1116-III Herdla
2. Brakstadfjellet 318m 32 V 287731 6718765 285m 32 V 286076 6722798 Eldsfjellet 1116-II Sæbø
3. Gaustadfjellet 317m 32 V 288997 6722207 274m 32 V 291563 6719221 Brakstadfjellet 1116-II Sæbø

The candidates (elevation >= 300m, primary factor >= 90m)

There are no tops in this category.

The lower tops (primary factor >= 100m)

(The below table is sorted by height)

Rank Name Height Loc. PF Saddle
Parent M711 Map
1. "Krossfjellet" 287m 32 V 292272 6717403 154m 32 V 290695 6718306 Brakstadfjellet 1116-II Sæbø
2. Røysetfjellet 258m 32 V 289353 6718875 115m 32 V 288306 6718937 Brakstadfjellet 1116-II Sæbø
3. Øyjordsfjellet 244m 32 V 287411 6722928 186m 32 V 288259 6722699 Gaustadfjellet 1116-II Sæbø
5. Storfjellet 185m 32 V 288679 6717430 132m 32 V 289490 6717826 Røysetfjellet 1116-II Sæbø
6. "Håøytoppen" 171m 32 V 293695 6718188 171m - - (island) 1116-II Sæbø

Sources: Norgesglasset per July 27 2005. MapSource used for UTM co-ordinates.
Download MapSource GDB file with mountains and saddles here.


Name: Names are derived from the M711 maps. Names in quotes (") are derived from Økonomisk Kartverk (ØK)
Height: I have chosen to let ØK heights override M711 heights
Loc: UTM co-ordinates for the high point or the saddle defining the primary factor. These co-oordinates are approximate.
PF: The mountain's primary factor. Explained in detail here.
Parent: A higher mountain that defines the mountain's primary factor. Not valid when there are choices. Island high points never has a parent as the sea always will define the primary factor.
Map: The M711 map where the mountain's high point is located.

Clickable Map

Click on image to get a clickable map of the mountains listed in the tables above.


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