Blomøyknuten, 74m

Mountain area : Sotra
Fylke/Kommune : Hordaland/Øygarden
Map : 1116-III Herdla (Statens Kartverk, Norge 1:50 000)
Primary Factor: >50m
Hiked : Apr 2000


Blomøyknuten is the highest point in Øygarden kommune. It's not a hike. It's not even a long walk. It's where kids play. But the knob provides an excellent view the sea and the mainland. A drive up the island of Sotra is worth the while anyway. And since you're already there...

Trail descriptions:

Highway 561 - Blomøyknuten

Difficulty : None
Risk : None
Distance :
Time : 10-15 min. to the top
Starting Elev.:
Map of Blomoyknuten

Click for larger map


From Bergen, follow highway 555 towards Sotra. On Sotra island, follow highway 561 northbound towards Øygarden/Tjeldstø. After a while you pass the Rongsundet bridge and the community of Rong. Great views from here. Continue a little while to the community of Blomøy. Pass the centre of the community, and look out for the highest point on the right hand side, above some houses. The summit is marked as a triangular point. Find a place to park near the houses.

The trail:

Walk up a road to the nearest houses and locate a small trail just before the house furthest away. This trail will take you to the Blomøyknuten point.


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