Blåtinden and Gjølbotntinden (also known as Høgfjellet) are satellite tops east on the Sprovstinden massif. Gjølbotntinden has enough drop towards Sprovstinden to rank as an independent top. The summit is pointy, and a fun top to visit.
The shortest route (no trails) runs from Løviksætra. The road (when it can be driven) offers a high start - approx. 490m elevation. You're practically at the Gjølbotntinden foothills when you park. If you're prepared to go off-trail, cross boulder section in partly steep (but not dangerous) terrain, Løviksætra is also a good trailhead for Sprovstinden.
You can also reach Gjølbotntinden from Måslia. See the Varguraksla page. Continue eastbound from Måslia, stay north of Jutevatnet and ascend Gjølbotntinden where you see fit. Expect partly steep terrain and lots of boulder as you begin the ascent.
Gjølbotntinden gives you an excellent panorama from Romsdalsfjorden to Høgsvora. This view includes a number of fine tops stretching from Åndalsnes to Ørskogfjellet, such as Vengetindane, Trolltindane, Romsdalshorn, Nonstinden, Middagstinden, Lauparen, Sandfjellet, Seljebottstinden, Trollkyrkja, to name a few.
The Nebba hill is mentioned on this page, as it is conveniently reach (on path) from Løviksætra. You get a good view towards Gjølbotntinden from here.
Gjølbotntinden (Norge 1:50,000: 957m, Økonomisk Kartverk: 956,88m, UTM 32 V 400155 6936550) has a primary factor of 147m towards the higher parent mountain Sprovstinden (1194m). The defining saddle (approx. UTM 32 V 399324 6936076) is found along the ridge between the two tops. Ref. the 1:50,000 map (20m contours), the saddle is within the range 800-820m, interpolated to 810m.
Blåtinden (Norge 1:50,000: -, Økonomisk Kartverk: -, GPS: 936m, UTM 32 V 400302 6936895) has a primary factor of 31m towards the higher parent mountain Gjølbotntinden (957m). The defining saddle (approx. UTM 32 V 400226 6936770) is found along the ridge between the two tops. Ref. the 1:50,000 map (20m contours), the saddle is within the range 900-920m, interpolated to 910m. Personal GPS measurement has defined the saddle to 905m.
Based on GPS measurements, compared relatively with the other tops, their GPS readings and their official map heights, Blåtinden's height was estimated to approx. 936m.
Nebba (Norge 1:50,000: 588m, Økonomisk Kartverk: 589,9m ~ 590m, UTM 32 V 402050 6937012) has a primary factor of 84m towards the higher parent mountain Gjølbotntinden (957m). The defining saddle (approx. UTM 32 V 401275 6936272) is found west of point 555m. Ref. Økonomisk Kartverk (5m contours), the saddle is defined through a fixed point - 506m. Personal GPS measurement has defined the saddle to 905m.
Notes: Class ratings are in reference to YDS. Click here for more information.
The trails described below are not necessarily the *easiest* trails to this mountain.
Løviksætra - all tops (summer/autumn)
From Ålesund, follow highway E136->E39 eastbound towards Åndalsnes. Pass the place Sjøholt, drive across Ørskogfjellet, down Skorgedalen valley to the Molde/Åndalsnes junction just before you reach Tresfjorden (47,3Km from the Breivika roundabout in Ålesund).
Turn right towards Åndalsnes, drive 5,2Km and turn right towards "Løviksætra" (signed). Pay toll after 450m (NOK 30,- for passenger cars per Sep 2006) and proceed on Løviklivegen road up to Løviksætra (3,8Km from the main road). The gravel road is curvy, quite steep and partly rough, but still adequate for small cars. Plenty of parking by Løviksætra.
The route
This is a proposal of a Nebba - Blåtinden - Gjølbotntinden roundtrip.
Walk the road to its end by the cabins. Locate a path that runs up to (and across) point 555m (Lekhaugen). The path heads towards Kjøpstadvatnet and continues up towards Nebba (a short-cut across the meadow is the obvious thing to do). Nebba high point is not marked.
From Nebba, proceed off-trail westbound to the north drain from Lake Kjøpstadvatnet. Climb gradually towards Blåtinden's southeast ridge. The terrain is fairly easy, but watch for holes in the ground. The further east you stick on the ridge, the better chances you have for walking on grass, rather than boulder. But this is a substantially steeper route than you get further west. You'll top out near a viewpoint cairn (32 V 400585 6937181) before you proceed up to the Blåtinden high point. The high point is not marked, but quite obvious.
Proceed along the ridge towards Gjølbotntinden. The ascent is straightforward. Gjølbotntinden is marked by a trig. point.
Descend wherever you want to. One suggestion is to descend (across boulder) the southeast ridge until you get down to "the bowl" below the summit. From here, you can hike on grassy ground back towards the trailhead.
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