Norwegian Mountains, Møre og Romsdal

Klausethornet, 669m
Digergubben, 527m
Trollhesten, 621m
Blåhammaren, 508m

Fylke/Kommune : Møre og Romsdal/Midsund
Maps : 1220-II Vestnes (Statens Kartverk, Norge 1:50 000)
Maps : 1220-III Brattvåg (Statens Kartverk, Norge 1:50 000)
Primary factor : Klausethornet: 531m
Primary factor : Digergubben: 104m
Primary factor : Trollhesten: 73m
Primary factor : Blåhammaren: 120m
Hiked : Oct 2007, Feb 2008 
See also : Bløkallen
See also : Ræstadhornet, Grøtet, Skåla
See also : Drynjahatten
See also : Oppstadhornet/Heggdalshornet
See also : Myrsethornet/Manfjellet
See also : Other Midsund mountains


(Click for larger image)


Trollhesten, Klausethornet and Digergubben form a horseshoe around Lake Midsundvatnet, approx. 380m above the village of Midsund, the administrative centre of Midsund kommune (municipality). This is a popular hiking area which is normally accessed from Midsund (west) or Lappedalen (east). Blåhammaren is also connected to this mountain massif, and is normally visited via Lappedalen.

Klausethornet is only the 6th highest independent top on Otrøya island, but is one of the most dominating tops, having the 2nd highest primary factor in Midsund kommune.

This web page will describe a popular roundtrip across all three tops. The roundtrip is made particularly interesting due to steep ladders and rough terrain with fixed ropes on the proposed ascent route. The rest of the route is trivial. If you want to avoid steep terrain, you can ascend via the proposed descent route.


Klausethornet, right of center

Klausethornet, right of center


Primary factor:

Klausethornet (Norge 1:50,000: 669m, Økonomisk Kartverk: Highest contour is 665m, UTM 32 V 383289 6952198) has a primary factor of 531m, towards the highest parent mountain Oppstadhornet (737m). The saddle (approx. UTM 32 V 385236 6953360) is found in Skaret, south of Lake Holsvatnet. Ref. Økonomisk Kartverk (5m contours), the defining saddle is with the range 135-140m, interpolated to 138m.

Digergubben (Norge 1:50,000: 527m, Økonomisk Kartverk: Highest contour is 520m, UTM 32 V 382426 6952747) has a primary factor of 104m, towards the highest parent mountain Klausethornet (669m). The saddle (approx. UTM 32 V 382672 6952370) is found on a meadow between the two tops. Ref. Økonomisk Kartverk (5m contours), the defining saddle is with the range 420-425m, interpolated to 423m.

Trollhesten (Norge 1:50,000: 621m, Økonomisk Kartverk: 620,92m, UTM 32 V 382261 6951628) has a primary factor of 73m, towards the highest parent mountain Klausethornet (669m). The saddle (approx. UTM 32 V 382922 6951866) is found between the two tops. Ref. Økonomisk Kartverk (5m contours), the defining saddle is with the range 545-550m, interpolated to 548m.

Blåhammaren (Norge 1:50,000: 508m, Økonomisk Kartverk: Highest contour is 500m, UTM 32 V 383158 6953177) has a primary factor of 120m, towards the highest parent mountain Digergubben (527m). The saddle (approx. UTM 32 V 382756 6952794) is found between the two tops. Ref. Økonomisk Kartverk (5m contours), the defining saddle is with the range 385-390m, interpolated to 388m. As ØK is missing the 505m contour, and as Hestøyra is 502,76m on ØK, a closer measurement of the two tops is needed. Personal GPS measurement on Blåhammaren read 505m, but without sufficient precision to draw a final conclusion.

Klausethornet (right)

Klausethornet (right)


Google map

Google's interactive map. You can zoom, pan and click on the markers.


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Google maps
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Trail descriptions

Notes: Class ratings are in reference to YDS. Click here for more information.

The trails described below are not necessarily the *easiest* trails to this mountain.

Route 1: Midsund - Trollhesten - Klausethornet - Digergubben  (summer/autumm)

Difficulty : Class 2+ (YDS)
Exposure : Some in the ladders
Distance : Approx. 6,3Km roundtrip
Time : Approx. 3,5-4 hours roundtrip
Starting Elev.: Approx. 30m
Vertical Gain : Approx. 800m (total)
Map of the area
Map of the area
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Detailed map
Detailed map
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Trail overview

Trail overview
(Click for larger image)


(all distances are approx. distances)

The city of Molde is a closer starting point, but Ålesund is the starting point for the route description below.

From Ålesund, follow highway E136->E39 towards Åndalsnes. From the E136/E39/Olsvika roundabout near Breivka, follow E39 13,3Km. Turn left onto highway RV661 (Skodje/Brattvåg/Vatne). Pay toll at an unmanned toll booth (coins + credit cards, AutoPass) 1,5Km later. 8,7Km after you left E39, you reach the 659(Brattvåg)/661(Vatne) junction. Turn left towards Brattvåg.

13,6Km later (from this junction), turn right towards the ferry to Dryna, and continue 600m down to the ferry harbor.

On Dryna, turn right and follow RV668 (signed Midsund) 15,2Km. You're now in a junction in Midsund. Turn left (the road to the right is signed Heggdal). Drive 700m and locate a small parking area on the right-hand side of the road. Park here.

The route

Ascent: Pipeline route - Trollhesten - Klausethornet

Note: If you don't like ladders/stairways, consider ascending the route parallel to the pipeline route. See the descent route below.

From the parking, you have a good overview of the lower part of your ascent and descent routes. Follow a gravel road up to a building by the river. Turn right by the building and follow a path towards a stairway that marks the beginning of the ascent route. The stairway continues up to the next building (which you pass on the left hand side) and from here, the path begins.

The path takes you towards the river before it heads towards the pipeline on the ridge. The path is a bit awkward in places along the pipeline. You might find the fixed ropes helpful. There is no direct exposure on the ridge path.

At approx. 270m elevation, the ridge route joins the descent route. Notice two manholes to your left. After just a few metes, the path forks again. You will be coming down the wide path straight ahead. Locate a path that ascends towards Trollhesten/Midsundhornet. At approx. 380m, this path turns northeast. Locate a vague path that runs directly up towards Midsundhornet. Even if the terrain is steep, the ascent route should be obvious.

Follow the broad ridge up to the Trollhesten cairn at 621m. Proceed eastbound to the Trollhesten - Klausethornet saddle. Stay close to the drop towards Midsundvatnet, and you might pick up a vague path.

As you head up Klausethornet, you will eventually run into the path from the west. You'll find a couple of cairns on Klausethornet. The cairn at (UTM) 32 V 383289 6952198 marks the high point.

Descent: Digergubben and down the boulder section (on path)

Follow the path down from Klausethornet. In case you lose the path, then head down to the saddle towards Trollhesten and descent north towards the cabins at 450m elevation. From the cabins, follow a vague path towards Digergubben until you join the wider trail from Lappedalen. Follow this trail to the top of Digergubben. There are more than one cairn, but the high point should be obvious (even in fog).

From Digergubben, descend southwest on a wide path. This path runs down to the river from Midsundvatnet. Cross the river at approx. (UTM) 32 V 381802 6952230. Then follow the path back down to the manholes you passed upon ascent. Turn left and follow the path into the boulder section. Don't worry. The path is just brilliant. Near the trailhead, you'll pass a small forest.

Route 2: Blåhammaren via Lappedalen  (summer/autumm)

Difficulty : Class 2 (YDS)
Exposure : No
Distance : Approx. 3,6Km to the top
Time : Approx. 1,5-2 hours to the top
Starting Elev.: Approx. 40m
Vertical Gain : Approx. 480m (total)
Map of the area
Map of the area
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Detailed map
Detailed map
(No Javascript)


(all distances are approx. distances)

The city of Molde is a closer starting point, but Ålesund is the starting point for the route description below.

From Ålesund, follow highway E136->E39 towards Åndalsnes. From the E136/E39/Olsvika roundabout near Breivka, follow E39 13,3Km. Turn left onto highway RV661 (Skodje/Brattvåg/Vatne). Pay toll at an unmanned toll booth (coins + credit cards, AutoPass) 1,5Km later. 8,7Km after you left E39, you reach the 659(Brattvåg)/661(Vatne) junction. Turn left towards Brattvåg.

13,6Km later (from this junction), turn right towards the ferry to Dryna, and continue 600m down to the ferry harbor.

On Dryna, turn right and follow RV668 (signed Midsund) 15,2Km. You're now in a junction in Midsund. Turn right towards Heggdal and continue 5,5Km. Look out for a forest road to your left. In Feb. '08, there was a lot of timber present. Park here.

The route

Follow the forest road 2,2Km to 260m elevation, crossing a river on a bridge along the way. You'll also pass a trail fork. Turn left here. After 260m elevation, pick any place to leave the forest road and rise gently up the hillside towards Blåhammaren. You can always follow the forest road to its end in Lappedalen, and make direct (but steeper) ascent towards Blåhammaren from there.

Blåhammaren summit is not marked. Descend anywhere you like, but consider visiting Hestøyra and make up your mind which of the two tops is the highest.

Trip reports and pictures Other Møre & Romsdal mountains Other Norwegian mountains