Norwegian Mountains, Møre og Romsdal

Korsfurnakken, 398m

Fylke/Kommune : Møre og Romsdal/Vanylven
Maps : 1119-II Volda  (Statens Kartverk, Norge 1:50 000)
Primary factor : 160m
Hiked : Feb 2011
See also :
Velsvikskåla Skoratinden
Snøhornet Trollkoppehornet
Høgenipa Koppefjellet
See also : Other Volda mountains


(Click for larger image)


Korsfurnakken is located on the north side of the peninsula defined by Syvdsfjorden, Rovdefjorden, Voldsfjorden and Dalsfjorden. This mountain is easily accessible from Velsvika and Legene. This page will describe the shortest route to the mountain (off-trail - less than 900 meters) - starting from Legene.

The mountain offers a good view towards Gurskøya and the peaks along Rovdefjorden. Legene (some maps refer to this place as Hola) is also a good starting point if you want to reach Velsvikskåla from the north.


Korsfurnakken and other Rovdefjorden peaks

Korsfurnakken and other Rovdefjorden peaks
(Click for larger image)


Primary factor:

Korsfurnakken (Norge 1:50,000: 398m, Økonomisk Kartverk: 398m, UTM 32 V 335140 6899566) has a primary factor of 160m towards the higher parent mountain Skåla (1008m). The defining saddle (approx. UTM 32 V 335788 6898802) is found in Sundnes-skaret between Korsfurnakken and Velsvikskåla. Ref. Økonomisk Kartverk (5m contours), the saddle is defined through a fixed point -  238m.


Korsfurnakken seen from Årvika

Korsfurnakken seen from Årvika
(Click for larger image)


Google map

Google's interactive map. You can zoom, pan and click on the markers.


Google maps
Google maps
(Click on image)


Trail descriptions

The route descriptions are valid per Feb 2011.

Route 1: Legene/Hola - Korsfurfjellet  (all seasons)

Difficulty : YDS Class 2
Exposure : No
Distance : Approx. 900 meters to the top
Time : Approx. 30-45 minutes to the top
Starting Elev.: Approx. 160m
Vertical Gain : Approx. 240 meters
Map of the area
Map of the area
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Detailed map
Detailed map
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(all distances are approx. distances)

The starting point for this route description is Volda. Take the ferry to Lauvstad (make sure you get into the right lane, as the ferry to Folkestad also departs from Volda).

At Lauvstad, turn right at the first junction and drive 11,7km to Sundnesbogen. Turn left (N62.18528 E5.79396) onto the road signposted "Skytebane". Follow this road upwards for 2km until it ends by Legene or Hola (the name varies from map to map). Find parking (N62.18795 E5.82465) without blocking for traffic that needs to turn around here, and watch out for humps in the road that can seriously damage your car.


The route

The route to Korsfurnakken

The route to Korsfurnakken
(Click for larger image)


From the parking, walk up to the nearest farm, continue through the lower forest and ascend the birch forest just east of the slabs. You will find deer tracks here, and the tracks lead you straight up to the top. The summit is marked by a small cairn (N62.19167 E5.83163).

Descend your ascent route, or follow the summit ridge to the southeast and descend where you like.


The route to Korsfurnakken

The route to Korsfurnakken
(Click for larger image)

Pictures and Trip reports:

Korsfurnakken seen from other mountains:

1. Rovdestranda peaks 2. Wide angle view from Storhornet

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