Lebergsfjellet is one of the lower tops on Ørskogfjellet, the only mountain pass you have to cross along E136 between Ålesund and Molde. Lebergsfjellet's summit has two antenna towers and a mountain service road runs all the way to the summit.
This is an easy mountain and offers a nice ski-trip in winter or hike in the summer. From the summit, you can enjoy the higher (and much more dramatic) Ørskogfjellet tops such as Trolltinden, Sprovstinden and Næremstindan.
Lebergsfjellet (M711: 628m, Ø.K.: 628m, UTM 32 V 390494 6933487) has a primary factor of 295m towards the higher parent mountain Varguraksla (772m). The defining saddle (approx. UTM 32 V 392788 6933866) is found along E136 at the highest point, near Nysætra. Ref. Økonomisk Kartverk (5m contours), the saddle is within the range 331-335m, interpolated to 333m.
Notes: Class ratings are in reference to YDS. Click here for more information.
The trails described below are not necessarily the *easiest* trails to this mountain.
Hwy E39 - Lebergsfjellet
From Ålesund, follow highway E136->E39 towards Åndalsnes. From the E136/E39/Olsvika roundabout near Breivka, follow E39 34,7Km (passing the place Sjøholt along the way). Near the top of the road across Ørskogfjellet, you now have the service road to Lebergsfjellet on your left-hand side. If you can't find parking here, go back down 500m or look for parking at the top of the road.
The route
The route description is fairly easy; follow the mountain service road all the way to the top.
This was the 4th week-end with shitty weather in a row, and I was tired of roaming around on 300m hills near Ålesund. It was pretty obvious that visibility would be bad above 800m elevation, so I chose Lebergsfjellet as the hike for the day. It was raining all day, but the worst thing about rain is only that you get wet.
I drove up to the start of the mountain service road that leads to the summit, but had to drive back down 500m to find a place to park the car. I took a shortcut through the forest and joined the service road higher up. I had dreaded the long and boring walk on this road, and when I considered the snow depth and the fact that I would be hitting strong winds during the ascent, I chose a shortcut directly up the steep forest.
The forest wasn't steep in the sense that I could fall back down and hurt myself, but with (at least) 70cm of snow (the ice-axe got buried down to the shaft), it doesn't take much of an angle to make the hike a cumbersome one. The worst part isn't actually the snow depth. One can easily get into the one-step-at-a-time rhythm, but breaking through when you think the snow will hold, is terribly frustrating.
My dog "Troll" was patient and quiet in the backpack as I struggled my way up the forest. Once above the trees, the snow became much more solid and walking got much easier. I headed into fog and white-out, bug thanks to a few odd rocks here and there, I had at least some references in the terrain. The weather wasn't actually bad (it was only raining), but although I could see, I couldn't evaluate the terrain 2 meters ahead of me.
I had left the trailhead 11:40AM and reached the top of Lebergsfjellet precisely one hour later. As expected, the wind was cold and strong, and I took shelter behind the building while putting on more clothes. Troll had no desire to come out of the backpack. He probably understood the value of the fleeze blanket I had wrapped him in.
I headed down the service road and fell on my ass before 30 seconds had passed. I wasn't really surprised when I noticed the blank ice below the 15-20cm of snow on the road. I stayed on the side of the road and took shortcuts when the road switchbacked downwards. Now came the "worst part"; 2,6Km on a long, boring and snowy road. After a while, Troll decided to come out of "his shell". I had figured the snow would be to deep for him, but he turned into a rabbit, and there were no further problems regarding the snow depth.
It was now raining harder than earlier and I was fairly wet when I reached the car 13:35PM. It wasn't all that much of a hike, but it felt good to fight indoor dreams and be up in the mountains on such a day.
Because of the grey weather, all pictures (except one) have had contrast modifications.
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