Norwegian Mountains

Litlåsfjellet, 109m (Mongstadvarden)

Fylke/Kommune : Hordaland/Austrheim
Maps : 1116-IV Mongstad (Statens Kartverk, Norge 1:50 000)
Primary factor : 31m
Hiked : Apr 2000, June 2005



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Litlåsfjellet is a local top on a forest hill that stretches from Mongstad raffinery to Hellestveit in Lindås. The Austrheim - Lindås kommune border runs across this forest hill, which makes Litlåsfjellet the highest point in Austrheim kommune.

A visible path (marked by plastic ribbons) runs from a gravel road near Litlås up to a mast. This point is named Litlåsfjellet on the Økonomisk Kartverk map. The ribbon path continues to Litlåsfjellet high point (109m), which is called Mongstadvarden on Økonomisk Kartverk, but the path is barely visible. The summit is marked by a white cross on a rock.

Primary factor:

Litlåsfjellet (M711: 109m, Ø.K: 109,30m) has a primary factor of 31m towards the higher Storenipa (approx. 122m). This name is not on the M711 map, but is found 510m NW of Hellstveitnovi. The saddle is found between these tops. Ref. Økonomisk Kartverk (5m contours), you cross the 80m contours on the high route, but not 75m. The saddle height has been interpolated to 78m.

Trail descriptions:

Notes: Class ratings are in reference to YDS. Click here for more information.

The trails described below are not necessarily the *easiest* trails to this mountain.

Litlås - Litlåsfjellet (summer/autumn)

Difficulty : Class 1
Exposure : Absolutely not
Comments : Boggy terrain
Distance : 800m
Time : 25 minutes to the top
Starting Elev.: 60m
Vertical Gain : 60m to the top

Map of the area
Map of the area
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Detailed map
Detailed map
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Access to the Litlå trailhead

From Bergen, follow highway E39 northbound. After the Nordhordlandsbrua bridge, pay (NOK 45,- for passenger cars per May 2005) at the Toll station. Just before Knarvik, turn right onto highway RV57 (Mongstad/Leirvåg). Follow this road (approx. 40Km) to the Mongstad/Litlås exit. Turn right here.

Drive 50m and turn right towards Litlås. Drive 300m and turn onto a gravel road that turns into gravel after a while. Follow this road 400m and find parking on a small turn-out on your left hand side.

The route

From the parking, head back 50m towards Litlås and follow a path that runs up to your left. The path is marked by plastic ribbons here and there and is visible all the way up to the mast.

From the mast, facing Litlåsfjellet in the southeast (you can't see it yet), go a little bit to the left if you want to follow the ribbons. In any case, just head southeast and you will soon see Litlåsfjellet ahead of you. The high point is the rightmost top, and is marked by a white cross.

Trip notes June 26 2005

I visited this area back in Apr 2000, but hiked only to the mast, thinking this was the high point (there is also a cairn next to the mast). Later, I realized that the high point was further SW.

This Sunday, I was on my way to Storenova in Gulen and had misread the ferry table. This meant that I had a spare hour, and I decided to visit Litlåsfjellet before moving on to Gulen. I started out from the parking 11:10AM and reached the top 11:25AM. A swarm of flies made the stay on top very short, but there wasn't much to see either. I was back at the car 11:40AM and could concentrate on the real goal for the day.

Pictures from the June 26 2005 hike

Move cursor to read notes, and click on the images to see full version.
Some of the thumbnails may have been cropped to fit the format.

1. Litlaasfjellet high point (114KB) 2. View from the high point (251KB) 3. The Litlaasfjellet high point (224KB) 4. The trailhead (157KB)

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