Mehammarsåta, 749m

Mountain area : Stord
Fylke/Kommune : Hordaland/Stord
Maps : 1114-I Fitjar; (Statens Kartverk, Norge 1:50 000)
Primary Factor: 749m
Hiked : Apr 2000, Apr 2003
See also : Petter's Mehammarsåta page
See also : Kattnakken
See also : Kinno
See also : Melsåta
Kattnakken (left) and Mehammarsaata

Kattnakken (left) and Mehammarsåta


Mehammarsåta is the highest top on the island of Stord, located south of Bergen. The summit is part of a large mountain plateau that covers a large portion of the island. Kattnakken is another notable summit on this plateau, and a hike trail exist between the two summits.

Just north of the summit, you will find the highest point in Fitjar Kommune, also known as "Litlasåto". The height (ref. Økonomisk Kartverk) is 680m.

Primary Factor

Mehammarsåta (1114-I: 749m, Ø.K.: 748,78m) has a primary factor of 749m, which is also the height of the mountain. The mountain is ranked as #10 in Hordaland Fylke, based on primary factor.

Litlasåto (1114-I: -, Ø.K.: 680m) has a primary factor of 22m towards the higher Mehammarsåta (749m). The saddle is found between the two tops. Ref. Økonomisk Kartverk (5m contours), you cross the 660m contours on the high route, but not 655m. The saddle height has been interpolated to 658m.

Trail descriptions:

Note: Class ratings are in reference to YDS (Yosemite Decimal System).

Warning: The routes described in this document are not necessarily the easiest routes to the top.

Bortveit - Tysnessåta partly off-trail (summer/autumn)

Difficulty : Class 2
Comments : No difficulties. Hands may be used for support
Distance : Approx. 3.5Km to summit
Time : Approx. 2 hours to summit
Starting Elev.: Approx. 30m

Map of the area
Map of the area
Detailed map
Detailed map


From Bergen, drive southbound towards Stavanger. At Halhjem (near Os), take the Halhjem - Sandvikvåg ferry.

From the ferry, follow highway E39 south (towards Leirvåg) for approx. 13,2Km. Look out for Børdalselva river which drains into the sea at the trailhead. The trailhead is very next to the road, on the right hand side. This is shortly after the Langenuen camping ground. An information sign is found at the trailhead, and a gate marks the entrance to a forest road. If all of the above information match with where you are, it is likely to assume that you have found the trailhead.

The route

The route described here, is not the standard route from Bortveit. This is because I, in two attempts, have chosen the wrong exit from the forest road. The M711 map does not quite describe the terrain 100%. The initial section of this route is the same as the standard route, and differences will be explained below.

Follow the forest road across the nearby river. Just after, when the forest road turns towards the left, locate a red "T" on a tree to your right. A "T" marked trail makes a shortcut through the forest and joins the forest road higher up. You may stick to the road, but this implies a small detour.

Follow the forest road upwards. At the first distinct road junction, follow the road straight ahead (right). The road to the left will lead you to lake Svartavatnet. The normal route follows this road (left) and continues to the right in another junction before you reach the lake. Note that the standard route is considerable longer than the direct approach described on this page.

So, as mentioned, go right in the first road junction. Follow the road upwards for a while, and on a long stretch northbound, exit the road where a stream crosses the road. You are now directly east of the summit. Go through the forest (quite open forest) until you reach the mountain base. To your left, you see a basin with a stream coming down the mountain. Approach Mehammarsåta head on, and pick a route that you are comfortable with. Some handhold for support might be needed near the top, but there is not any exposure or difficulties.

Descend the ascent route, or locate the standard route.

Trip report Apr 24 2003 - Mehammarsåto and Tynessåta

See trip report under Tysnessåta.

Pictures from the Apr 24 2003 hike:

Move cursor to read notes, and click on the images to see full version.
Some of the thumbnails may have been cropped to fit the format.

Petter in the final slopes (123KB) Petter approaching the summit (147KB) Petter on Mehammarsaata summit (103KB) East view from the summit (195KB) View towards Kattnakken (232KB) Siggjo seen from Mehammarsaata (105KB) West view from the summit (159KB) North view from the summit (159KB) Arnt playing with devices (107KB)

Pictures from other hikes

1. Singelstadfjellet summit view (635KB) 2. South view towards Stord from Vestrefjellet (165KB) 3. Liafjellet summit view (253KB) 4. South view from Ulriken (229KB) 5. View from above Turnerhytten (1668KB) 6. Stord mountains (387KB)

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