Ranane, 657m (est.)
Øksefjellet, 647m
Sætrefjellet, 596m
Leinekulten, 580m
Tjørnfjellet, 590m

Mountain area : Gulen
Fylke/Kommune : Sogn og Fjordane/Gulen
Map : 1116-I Masfjorden
(Statens Kartverk, Norge 1:50 000)
Primary Factor: Ranane: >255m (est.) Vardefjellet
Primary Factor: Øksefjellet: <20m (est.) Ranane
Primary Factor: Sætrefjellet: 77m (est.) Øksefjellet
Primary Factor: Leinekulten: >80m (est.) Sætrefjellet
Primary Factor: Tjørnfjellet: >50m (est.) Øksefjellet
Hiked : Feb 2001
See also : Dalsfjellet
See also : Storenova
Tjornfjellet seen from Oeksefjellet

Tjørnfjellet seen from Øksefjellet


"Gulen mountains" is the name I use for the mountains in the area north of Fensfjorden/Masfjorden, south of Sognefjorden and and west of highway E39. These mountains are probably frequently traveled by local people, but the Stølsheimen mountain range that begins on the east side of highway E39 is more likely to receive the attention of the average hiker.

The highest mountain in this area, is Brosviksåta, 722m. See also description of hiking Dalsfjellet nearby.

Trail descriptions:

Oppdalsøyra - Øksefjellet trail (winter)

Difficulty : Easy
Risk : Low
Distance :
Time : 4-6 hours round-trip
Starting Elev.:
Map of Gulen

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Map of Oeksefjellet

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Alternative 1:

Take highway E39 north from Bergen. Cross the Nordhordalandsbrua bridge over the Osterfjord (The toll is currently NOK 45,-). At Knarvik, 3-5 minutes later, exit onto highway 57 towards Leirvåg. When you arrive Leirvåg approx. 40 minutes later, take the ferry over to Sløvåg. From Sløvåg go straight ahead until you reach the first major junction, then exit left towards Rutledal. Pass Grinde and Dalsøyra. At Leversund, where Gulafjorden and Austgulfjorden meet, exit onto a road going east towards Brekke. This road also leads to highway 39 (Instefjord) and could be your return trip to Bergen.

At Oppdalsøyra, some kilometers later, locate a road going south toward Kjellby. Follow this road upward until you see a smaller road go up to the left. This road is probably closed with chains, so find parking now. There is also a sign point to summits and lakes.

Alternative 2:

This approach do not require a ferry. Take highway E39 north from Bergen. Cross the Nordhordalandsbrua bridge over the Osterfjord (The toll is currently NOK 45,-). Follow E39 through Knarvik, and approx. 1 hour later, immediately after the Jernfjell tunnel, exit towards Duesund. Follow this road south-west along Masfjorden and then west along Fensfjorden. Eventually you arrive the highway 57 junction. See alternative 1 for remaining details.


Wonderful vistas, as the pictures below show.

The trail:

From the parking, follow the gravel road upwards (eastern direction). You have Sætrefjellet (596m) up to your left. Where the road ends, a trail begins. The trail runs on the left of the river all the way up to the Fosshaugen cabins. Even if you do not see the trail, just head towards the inner valley.

From Fosshaugen, head north towards Sætrefjellet. The terrain is easy and you really do not need trails anymore. From Sætrefjellet, move north-east down to Langedalen valley where a river crossing is required (It was frozen on my February hike). You see the modest, but catchy summit of Leinekulten, 580m. Pick a place where you want to ascend.

Next stop is Tjørnfjellet, 590m. From Leinekulten, head south and approach Tjørnfjellet from the eastern side. From here, you have excellent view over lake Transdalsvatnet.

From Tjørnafjellet, hike the gentle slopes up to Øksefjellet. The highest point in the area - Ranane (height is not on map) is just 10 minutes further south. From Øksefjellet, set a course directly towards Fosshaugen cabins. You will have to cross the river, but this should not offer any problems. Note that the slope down to the cabins can be steep at places. Pay attention to where you descend.

Pictures from the hike:

Move cursor to read notes, and click on the images to see full version.
Some of the thumbnails may have been cropped to fit the format

Fosshaugen cabins at the base of Oeksefjellet (248KB) Dalsfjellet seen from Ranane (193KB) Eastern view from Ranane (774KB) Oeksefjellet seen from Ranane (288KB) View towards the Sognefjord (924KB) Tjornfjellet, 590m (120KB) Leinekulten, 580m (132KB) Lake Transdalsvatnet seen from Leinekulten (636KB)

Pictures from other hikes:

View from Gulbrekkfjellet (377KB) Oeksefjellet seen from Gulbrekkfjellet (354KB) Grønefjellet summit views (NE cairn) (2374KB) Grønefjellet summit panorama (2231KB)

Other hordaland mountains Other Masfjorden K. mountains Other Sogn & Fjordane mountains westcoastpeaks.com