Norwegian Mountains, Møre og Romsdal

Øyrahornet, 417m
Sandvikhornet, 352m
Skåla, 183m

Møre og Romsdal county/Herøy municipality
Maps: 1119-I Ålesund (Statens Kartverk, Norge 1:50 000)
1119-IV Fosnavåg (Statens Kartverk, Norge 1:50 000)
Primary factor: Øyrahornet: 42m
Sandvikhornet: 14m
Skåla: 85m
Hiked: Many times since 2008
See also:
Sollia Veten/Hidsegga
Huldrehornet Rambjøra
Rjåhornet Røddalshorn
See also : Other Møre og Romsdal  mountains on

The tops seen from the air

The tops seen from the air
(Click for larger image)


Øyrahornet, Sandvikhornet and Skåla are three tops located on the north side of Gurskøya island. The tops are very easy to reach from Tjørvåg, Stokksund and Sandvik and if you want a longer hike, you can continue in the direction of Sollia or its neighbour tops Hestfjellet, Selsteinen and Storehanen above Moltudalen.

This page will describe the most popular routes to the tops.


Skåla seen from Sandvikhornet

Skåla seen from Sandvikhornet
(Click for larger image)


Primary factor:

Øyrahornet (Norge 1:50,000: 419m, Økonomisk Kartverk: 417m, UTM 32 V 329297 6910091) has a primary factor of 42m towards the higher parent mountain Slettheia (552m). The defining saddle (approx. 32 V 329350 6909965) is found just south of Øyrahornet. Ref. Økonomisk Kartverk (5m contours), the saddle is 375m.

Sandvikhornet (Norge 1:50,000: -, Økonomisk Kartverk: 352m, UTM 32 V 328780 6910954) has a primary factor of 14m towards the higher terrain towards Storehanen. The defining saddle (approx. 32 V 328740 6910882) is found just south of Sandvikhornet. Ref. Økonomisk Kartverk (5m contours), the saddle is 338m.

Skåla (Norge 1:50,000: 184m, Økonomisk Kartverk: 183m, UTM 32 V 330078 6911213) has a primary factor of 85m towards the higher mountain Øyrahornet. The defining saddle (approx. 32 V 329734 6910696) is found at Sandvikskaret. Ref. Økonomisk Kartverk (5m contours), the saddle is within the range 95-100m, interpolated to 98m.



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Route descriptions

This disclaimer is regarding all of the literature and instructional guides posted on the website. These instructions are guidelines only, and should not be used in lieu of common sense or judgment when attempting any of the actions involved or instructed. Westcoastpeaks nor myself will not be liable nor will it indemnify any form of compensation to anyone who has injured, harmed or even killed themselves or others while following any of the instructions written within the website. It should be noted by any persons willing to undertake any of the instructions provided that mountains offer varying levels of risk, regardless of size or incline. Risks to be considered are as follows but not limited to: wild animals, weather, the terrain, bad judgment, inappropriate or insufficient equipment, improper training or experience and of course, bad luck...

Route 1: Sandvik - Sandvikhornet

Difficulty : YDS Class 1
Exposure : No
Distance : Approx. 1,5km to the top
Time : Approx. 30-45 minutes to the top
Starting Elev.: Approx. 50m
Vertical Gain : Approx. 300m (total)
Map of the area
Map of the area
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Detailed map
Detailed map
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This route description is valid per February 2013

to come...

Pictures and Trip reports: Other Møre og Romsdal mountains Other Norwegian mountains