Snaufjellet is one of the lowest mountains in Vestnes kommune, located above the place Rekdal by Midfjorden. A visit to the mountain revealed no established routes to the top, although there are probably some. As such, this page will describe a suggestion for an off-trail roundtrip hike from the shooting range. It is not the easiest route up to the mountain, but a nice alternative if you enjoy a route that calls for a slight degree of routefinding.
Even if Snaufjellet is "tucked in" between the higher Grøtfjellet, Rekdalshesten and Blåskjerdingen, you will get some good views from the top. Especially towards the islands Midøya and Otterøya, and Rekdalshesten is a tremendous view in itself!
Snaufjellet is a common name among Norwegian mountains. "Snau" (bold) indicates that nothing grows on the mountain. At least, above the tree-line, and doesn't give a whole lot of meaning, since this is true for most mountains. Mountains named Urfjellet, Gråfjellet, Blåfjellet, Storfjellet, etc. certainly "deserve" more distinct names.
Snaufjellet (Norge 1:50,000: 482m, Økonomisk Kartverk: 479m, UTM 32 V 385458 6947339) has a primary factor of 266m towards the higher parent Urfjellet (757m). The defining saddle (approx. 32 V 385129 6946125) is found NW of Rekdalssetra. Ref. Økonomisk Kartverk (5m contours), the saddle is within the range 210-215m, interpolated to 213m.
Personal GPS measurement read 487m (5m +/- error margin), which may indicate that the 482m map height on the 1:50,000 map is perhaps more accurate than 479m.
Google's interactive map. You can zoom, pan and click on the markers.
Notes: Class ratings are in reference to YDS. Click here for more information.
The trails described below are not necessarily the *easiest* trails to this mountain.
Skytebanen - Snaufjellet
From Ålesund, follow highway E136->E39 towards Åndalsnes. From the E136/E39/Olsvika roundabout near Breivka, follow E39 approx. 13,3Km. Turn left onto highway RV661 (Skodje/Brattvåg/Vatne). After 1,5Km, pay toll at an unmanned toll booth (coins + credit cards + AutoPass). Approx. 9,7Km after you left E39, you reach the RV659 (Brattvåg)/661(Vatne) junction. Turn right and follow RV661 2,1Km to Vatne. Turn left and continue 21,5Km on RV661 from this junction.
Turn right onto Rekdal Seterveg, signed "Stadion/Skytebane" and pay toll (NOK 20,-). Drive 1,4Km up to the shooting range (Skytebane). Park here.
If you want to ascend Snaufjellet from the south side, you can drive additional 1000 meters and turn left onto another road that brings you in good position for the south side. This (short) road is marked on the map.
Rekdal Seterveg is not plowed in winter.
The route
Make your way through the lower forest. Higher up, you reach cliffbands. Either pass these (to the right) or scramble up the cliffbands. Move gradually left (north) and aim for a distinct ridge that leads to the top. All in all, it doesn't really matter where you go, as the terrain never gets very complicated. The summit is marked by a couple of rocks, on top of a large one.
Upon descent, go wherever you'd like, but go around any dense forest sections. A nice alternative may be to hike down the south side, and stop by Rekdalssetra before following the road back down to the shooting range.
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