Runderabben, 1292m

Mountain area: Stølsheimen West, Hordaland/Sogn og Fjordane

On highway E39 between Bergen and the Sognefjord, take the Romarheim exit, continue up through Modalen valley. At the end of lake Steinslandsvatnet, turn right onto the gravel road marked Åsadalen. The gravel road switchbacks up to the Stølsvatnet dam. Continue from the dam up to the gate and park there.

The trail:

From the gate, the gravel road continues to switchback. Pass a couple of small lakes (do not turn right by the first lake). Follow the road until it ends. Then look for the trail marked by small rocks in the northeast direction. The trail takes you on the right side of lake Åsabotnvotni. At the end of the lake, follow the pass towards northeast, to lake 1019. Continue on the eastern (righthand) side of lake 1019 and you will reach the foothills of Runderabben. Cross the river, and continue north towards the summit.
Runderabben Map

In August, there was some snow down by the lakes, covering the trail. Just stay on the lakeshore all the way, and you'll occasionally pick up the trail. Alternative route back could be over the mountains around the lakes. Total hiking time (same route back) is 3-4 hours. This is not an strenuous hike.


Sundagsfjellet in Stolsheimen (509KB) West of Romarheimsdalen

Other trail descriptions for this region: