Høgåsen is one of a handfull low forest hills, surrounding Lake Engsetdalsvatnet. Høgåsen is found by the eastern end of the lake, and is easily accessible from the Engsetdalen road. Within 30 minutes or less, you can do a roundtrip hike on a fine forest path. Høgåsen may very well be the easiest top that is described on this web-site. The views from the top are limited because of the forest.
On the Norge 1:50,000 map, this forest hill is named Høgåsen. Økonomisk Kartverk refers to the high point as Brunåsen, while Høgåsen is a bit further west.
Høgåsen (Norge 1:50,000: 198m, Økonomisk Kartverk: 197,64m, UTM 32 V 382621 6935066) has a primary factor of 115m towards the higher parent Engsetfjellet (535m). The defining saddle (approx. UTM 32 V 383766 6934976) is found along the Engsetdalen road, east of Høgåsen. Ref. Økonomisk Kartverk (5m contours), the saddle is within the range 80-85m, interpolated to 83m.
There are 3 high point candidates. The only point with "human signs" had a slightly lower GPS reading (199m) than the candidate further east (201m), but GPS readings from inside a forest should not necessarily be trusted.
Google's interactive map. You can zoom, pan and click on the markers.
Notes: Class ratings are in reference to YDS. Click here for more information.
The trails described below are not necessarily the *easiest* trails to this mountain.
Fylling - Høgåsen roundtrip
From Ålesund, follow highway E136->E39 towards Åndalsnes. From the E16/E39/Olsvika roundabout near Breivka, follow E39 13,2Km. Turn left onto highway RV661 (Skodje/Brattvåg/Vatne). Pay toll at an unmanned toll booth (coins + credit cards, AutoPass). Cross the fjord across a bridge, then turn left towards "Skodje". Drive approx. 3,9Km to Skodje and turn left towards "Engesetdal".
Follow this road 3,6Km and turn left towards "Langnes". Drive 560m and locate a road on your right-hand side that passes a house and enters the forest. Find parking along side the road. There is a turn-out 200m further east along the road that may be suitable for parking.
There is also a toll-free road to Skodje, approx. 20Km from the E16/E39/Olsvika roundabout mentioned above. From this junction, the distance to Skodje, and the Engesetdal road is approx. 2,5Km.
The route
Pass the nearest house and enter the forest. After 200m, you arrive Nedre Brune. Turn right, pass a garage and continue on forest path northbound. Ignore a left-fork after 200m and continue straight ahead. The forest path turns westbound and ends at 180m elevation on the forest ridge. Follow a vague path westbound the remaining yards, until you reach another forest path (a tractor road, really) and a mailbox.
Once you see the mailbox, the three high point candidates are 30 seconds away, in three different directions. The westernmost point has a pole painted in red, and a couple of bolts.
Upon descent, from the high point, follow the forest path southeast, and pass an old cabin (Øvre Brune) before you arrive Nedre Brune and join your ascent route.
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