Norwegian Mountains, Møre og Romsdal

Skurdahornet, 849m ( Skurahornet )

Fylke/Kommune : Møre og Romsdal/Stranda
Maps : 1219-I Stranda (Statens Kartverk, Norge 1:50 000)
Primary factor : 202m
Visited : Sep 2007
See also : Roaldshornet
See also : Auskjeret
See also : Ramstadvarden
See also : Lafjellet/Blaatinden
See also : Storhornet (1309m)
See also : Blåhorna

Skurdahornet seen from above


Skurdahornet is known as Skurahornet in the Stranda region. However, as a general rule of thumb, this website follows the map name.

With its 849m, Skurdahornet is the lowest indepdendent mountain in Stranda kommune (municipality). Of kommuner connecting to a fjord (in Møre og Romsdal), you will (most likely) not find a taller mountain on the bottom of the mountain lists.

Stranda kommune is for the most part centered around Storfjorden and Synnylvsfjorden. The valleys are deep and the mountains are tall. For the independent mountains in Stranda, the average height is approx. 1447m.

You reach Skurdahornet on a well worn path from Stranda. This is overall a very easy hike, and the views from the top ain't bad, either. Make sure you visit the viewpoint cairn 180m N/NE of the summit, for a stunning fjord view. You can also extend your hike to include Roaldshornet, and make a long roundtrip out of your hike.

Skurdahornet (center) seen from Varden

Skurdahornet (center) seen from Varden

Primary factor:

Skurdahornet (Norge 1:50,000: 849m, Økonomisk Kartverk: 848,61m, UTM 32 V 390746 6912755) has a primary factor of 202m, towards the higher parent mountain Roaldshornet (1230m). The saddle (approx. UTM 32 V 390083 6912386) is found between the two mountains, on the north side of Skurdavatna (Skuravatnet). Ref. Økonomisk Kartverk (5 contours), the saddle height is defined through a fixed point - 647m.

Google map

Google's interactive map. You can zoom, pan and click on the markers.

Trail descriptions:

Notes: Class ratings are in reference to YDS. Click here for more information.

The trails described below are not necessarily the *easiest* trails to this mountain.

Stranda - Skurdahornet (summer/autumn)

Difficulty : Class 1 (YDS)
Exposure : No
Comments : Family hike
Distance : Approx. 3,7Km to the top
Time : Approx. 1,5-2 hours to the top
Starting Elev.: Approx. 150m
Vertical Gain : Approx. 720m (total)
Map of the area
Map of the area
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Detailed map
Detailed map
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Skurdahornet in 3D
3D map
Click on image
from norgei3d)


(all distances are approx. distances)

From Ålesund, follow highway E39 towards Bergen, and then highway RV60 (Stranda) to the Magerholm - Ørsneset ferry (approx. 8Km). This ferry runs quite often; every 20 minutes in the busy hours of the day.

From Ørsneset, follow RV60 towards Stranda approx. 34,8Km. Turn left towards Ødegård (this is 750m from the main road junction in Stranda) and follow the Langlovegen road 700m. Turn left onto Tingstadvegen road and drive 200m. Just after a rack of mailboxes, turn left onto an unsigned side road that runs towards the Langlo river. At road end, you'll see the Skurahornet trail sign and there is room for a few cars.

The route

From the parking, follow a gravel road. Soon, you'll pass a gate and follow a tractor road. After approx. 200m, the Skurdahornet path forks from this tractor road. Turn left when you see the third Skurahornet trail sign.

The lower forest is nice to walk. Solid ground! At 380m elevation, you've passed the denser part of the forest and you start seeing the sky again. You'll join the Langlo river and follow it up to Lake Skurdavatna (Skurvatnet). Make sure you don't lose track of the path at 480m elevation, as the path crosses Langlo. Stick to the river.

At Skurdavatna, turn right (east) and follow the nearest ridge towards point 797m. The path turns towards Skurdahornet before you reach the 797m cairn. Skurdahornet summit is marked by a tall cairn. A viewpoint cairn is also found 180m to the N/NE. Visit both.

As a variation, you can descend directly down to Skurdavatna, walk around the lake on the north side and join your ascent route at the Skurdahornet/Roaldshornet trail junction. If you're looking to extend your hike; a path runs all the way from Skurdavatna to Roaldshornet, but you'll have to work out the return to your trailhead.

Skurdahornet (right of Roaldshornet) seen from Emdalshornet

Skurdahornet (right of Roaldshornet) seen from Emdalshornet

Trip reports and pictures


Other pictures:

1. Skurdahornet to the left (302KB) 2. 50mm panorama from Auskjeret, part 3/3 (818KB) 3. 50mm view from Høgsvora, part 1 of 2 (1148KB) 4. 85mm view from Næremstindan 5. Zoom view from Nordre Smørskredtind

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