Brørene (the brothers) is a triple-hump ridge located in the center of the northern part of Hareidlandet island (north is above RV61 between Hareid and Ulsteinvik). The high point is, ref. the trailsigns named "Storebroren" (big brother), and hence, the other humps are known as "Midtrebroren" (middle) and "Lisjebroren" (little).
But according to Økonomisk Kartverk, the "brothers" are known as "Søre Broren" (the southern brother), "Midtre Broren" and "Nøre Broren" (the northern brother). The "irony", in this case, is that the southern brother is actually the northernmost point on the Brørene ridge. It is a fair question (and no irony intended) if those who use these names have the same perception of north, south, east and west as those who deal with maps. When I look towards (i.e.) Gurskøya, I have the perception that I look to the south, while I actually look to the southwest.
In any case, refering to the high point as S. Broren is a safe bet. S. Broren is the 5th highest point in Hareid kommune (after Kongsvollen, Melshornet, Skolma and Snedelida) and the 6th highest point in Ulstein kommune (after Blåtinden, Kongsvollen, Gardnestua, Skolma and Sneldelida). The observant reader has now concluded that the Hareid/Ulstein kommune border runs across the S. Broren summit.
Due to its central location on Hareidlandet, there are a number of potential trailheads. You can continue from Skolma via Sneldelida from Brandal, via Indreflødalen valley (toll road, and closed in certain periods), via Ulsteindalen valley (you can drive half-way up to Litlevatnet), from Ulsteinvik, from Eidet (the high point between Ulsteinvik and Hareid) or from Hareidsdalen. This web-page will describe a route (via Mosvarden) from Hareidsdalen.
S. Broren (Norge 1:50,000: 620m, Økonomisk Kartverk: 620,19m, UTM 32 V 340747 6921044) has a primary factor of 177m towards the higher parent mountain Sneldelida (633m). The defining saddle (approx. UTM 32 V 342462 6921919) is found in Tørlingeskaret. Ref. Økonomisk Kartverk (5m contours), the saddle defined through a fixed point - 443m.
Mosvarden (Norge 1:50,000: 550m, Ø.K.: highest contour is 552,5 ~ 553m, UTM 32 V 340247 6919450) has a primary factor of 50m towards the higher parent mountain S. Broren (620m). The defining saddle (approx. UTM 32 V 341354 6919859) is found between the two tops. Ref. Økonomisk Kartverk (5m contours), the saddle is within the range 500-505m, interpolated to 503m.
GPS measurements reported 553m on Mosvarden (on ground) and 624m on S. Broren (on top of the cairn, between 1-2m).
Notes: Class ratings are in reference to YDS. Click here for more information.
The trails described below are not necessarily the *easiest* trails to this mountain.
Hareidsdlaen - Mosvarden - S. Broren (summer/autumn)
From Ålesund, follow highway E39 towards Bergen, and then RV61 towards Hareid. Take the Sulesund - Hareid ferry to Hareid. From Hareid, follow RV61 (towards Ulsteinvik) 5,2Km and turn right when you seen the "Rise Blvd" sign on a rack of mailboxes. Find parking alongside the bus-stop.
The route
Walk up Rise Boulevard, pass the houses and proceed on a forest road that runs up to approx. 280m elevation. Continue on path, cross a stream and head up to Risesætra cabins. The path continues left of the rightmost cabin, and continues northbound to a cabin at (approx. 490m), just below Mosvarden. Hike off-trail up to the Mosvarden ridge (the cairn is not located at the high point).
From Mosvarden, follow the high route towards Brørene. Turn left at the "Storebroren/Skolma" trail junction and follow the path across the Brørene humps, up to the highest.
Descend your ascent route, or head down Skålnakken to Mosvatnet. Follow the western shore southbound towards Mosvarden, and hike off-trail up to the Mosvarden ridge. Descend your ascent route from Mosvarden.
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