Norwegian Mountains, Møre og Romsdal

Store Krokhornet, 654m (Storekrokhornet)
Krokhornet, 616m (Høgetua)

Fylke/Kommune : Møre og Romsdal/Vanylven     
Maps : 1119-III Vanylven (Statens Kartverk, Norge 1:50 000)
Primary factor : Store Krokhornet: 146m
Krokhornet: 68m
Hiked : Feb 2009
See also :
Storebøra Nystøylhornet
Sandfjellet/Sandfjelltua Rivjehornet
Tarvaldsegga Tunheimshornet
See also : Other Vanylven  mountains

Store & Lille Krokhornet

Krokhornet & Store Krokhornet
(Click for larger image)


Store Krokhornet is the 4th highest of the independent tops on the peninsula north of Syvdseidet. The mountain is normally approached from the south, with Sighaug or Hundsnes as starting points. This page will describe the route from Sighaug. This route is marked all the way to Sighaugvatnet (455m). The rest of the route goes via easy terrain.

The maps cause some naming confusion for those who are not local to the area. The map "Turkart Vanylven" state that the three tops surrounding Brudevikvatnet are; Store Krokhornet (654m), Krokhornet (613m) and Litle-Krokhornet (422m). Norgesglasset list the following tops; Store Krokhornet (654m), Litle (613m), I (or l)Krokhornet (422m). Økonomisk Kartverk lists: Store Krokhorn (653,57m), Høgetua (616m), Litlekrokhornet (561,5m) - an insignificant hump 350m south of Store Krokhornet, and finally, Litlekrokhornet (416m) - halfway between Høgenakken and L/I Krokhornet (422m).

Thanks to Ove Myrvoll (Syvde), things have become a bit clearer. Both the 613/616m top and the 422m top has been known as Litlekrokhornet. The reason is that people in various places have seen different tops, both smaller than Storekrokhornet, and named the Litlekrokhornet. For this to make sense for English readers; Store means the larger while Litle/Lille means the smaller. Over time, people has agreed to call the 613/616 top just Krokhornet, which means that the Turkart Vanylven map has the correct data.


Store Krokhornet

Store Krokhornet
(Click for larger image)

Primary factor:

Store Krokhornet (Norge 1:50,000: 654m, Økonomisk Kartverk: 653,57m, UTM 32 V 315930 6893443) has a primary factor of 146m towards the higher parent Storehornet (686m). The defining saddle (approx. UTM 32 V 316269 6892031) is found between Krokhornet 613/616m and Tinden (Rindekollen [ØK]). Ref. Økonomisk Kartverk (5m contours), the saddle is within the range 505-510m, interpolated to 508m.

GPS measurement read 659m (on the summit cairn, 1,5m-2m high), averaged over a 5-minute period (error margin 3-4m).

Krokhornet  (Norge 1:50,000: 613m, Økonomisk Kartverk: 616m, UTM 32 V 316060 6892546) has a primary factor of 68m towards the higher parent Store Krokhornet (654m). The defining saddle (approx. UTM 32 V 316186 6892892) is found between these two tops, and is, ref. Økonomisk Kartverk (5m contours), the saddle is within the range 545-550m, interpolated to 548m.

GPS measurement read 616m (on the ground), averaged over a 2-minute period (error margin 3-4m).


Google map

Google's interactive map. You can zoom, pan and click on the markers.


Google maps
Google maps
(Click on image)


Trail descriptions

Route 1: Sighaug - Store Krokhornet (summer/autumn)

Difficulty : YDS Class 2 (easy terrain)
Exposure : No
Distance : Approx. 9,2km (total) (2D distance)
Time : Approx. 4-5 hours round trip
Starting Elev.: Approx. 25m
Vertical Gain : Approx. 800m (total)
Map of the area
Map of the area
(No Javascript)
Detailed map
Detailed map
(No Javascript)



(all distances are approx. distances)

The nearest larger city is Ålesund. From Ålesund, follow highway E39 towards Bergen, and then RV61 towards Hareid. Take the Sulesund - Hareid ferry, and from Hareid, follow RV61 (roughly) 38Km to Larsnes.

Take the Larsnes - Åram ferry, and at Åram turn right and drive 14,5km. You'll see the Vanylven Stam & Settefisk sign (per Mar. 2009) pointing to the right. Turn left here, and drive 100m up the road. Find parking just before the creek.

An alternative route is to continue from Larsnes to Årvik (5,1km), take the Årvik - Koparnes ferry. From Koparnes, follow highway RV61 to Fiskå. From Fiskå (Hareid/Måløy junction), follow the road westbound 6,4km to the Sighaug trailhead


The route

Follow the path along the creek. At approx. 120m elevation, you join a wider path coming from the east. Follow this path westbound towards the Høgebruna ridge, and then follow the ridge towards Lake Sighaugvatnet. From the lake, you can head towards Krokhornet on either side of the lake. From Krokhornet, head northeast 200m until you reach a place where it's safe to descend to the pass between Krokhornet and Store Krokhornet. Continue north/northwest to the summit of Store Krokhornet, marked by a proper cairn.

Pictures and Trip reports: Other Møre & Romsdal mountains Other Norwegian mountains