Image Slideshow
Trip tracks
Getting ready
Heading out
Me, on the way upwards
The team
River detail
The first part was easy
River detail
The crazy bunch
Tim has issues
Åsmund is wet
Åsmund is not happy
A bit of climbing on the side
It gets steeper
Tim and me developed a good technique
Olaug leads on
The first notable section
Me, zoomed in
Olaug follows
Moving on
A fun section
Sunglasses might be an idea
Ready for more
Åsmund and Olaug studying the next section
Anne likes this
Olaug can chop ice too
Olaug likes this section too
The terrain is changing
Anne gets the steepest section in view
The steepest section. Åsmund goes first.
Åsmund, almost up
I am next
Olaug follows
Olaug is focused
Olaug is almost up
Olaug and me, seen from above
Anne goes last
Anne, zoomed in
It IS a bit steep
Anne is happy
Anne is almost up
Tim is leaving us
Åsmund - a bit more cautious now
River detail
Åsmund has done it again
River detail
Åsmund is still doing tests
Olaug checks the ice in her own way
Anne is doing tests on her own
Åsmund kills time
Anne, breaking the style code
River detail
Winter landscape
Åsmund has DONE IT AGAIN!
Olaug now wants to skate
I fell in, 3 times in a row
Finally - the lake
Åsmund, in a blaze
A fairly big lake
Anne shows skills
Åsmund displays a good balance
Anne and me scares Olaug
Do not ask!
Åsmund has made a track.
My new skates
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