For Information, maps, trailhead and route descriptions, click HERE.
The October evening hikes do have an element of stress. The task is to get to the summit before the sun begins to set, if one is to get a decent set of pictures. Don't get me wrong, though. Of many types of stress, this is a good type. This October evening was one of these evenings. Drive home from work, figure out where to go along the way, get home and pack while the dog ("Troll") is watching you CLOSE. "Am I coming along? YEAH. He put a lunch-box in the backpack. That's my clue! Yippi kay yey Mo.. Err.. Sorry about that"....
As I left home, I still had no clue about where to go. I seemed to remember that Tverrfjellet had a "green triangle" on my list of mountains. The "green triangle" meant that its primary factor was more than 90m. But I wasn't sure. I called a friend and asked him to look it up for me. He responded that Tverrfjellet's primary factor was 91m. Not that it was all that important, but I did want to visit the mountains that I had on my list.
I chose to hike from the same trailhead as when I visited Storskjerdingen back in September. The plan was to put the dog into the backpack, and walk as fast as humanly possible up to the Storskjerdingen - Tverrfjellet saddle, and then walk as fast as humanly possible up to the summit. Then I would take pictures, give the dog his lunch-box and finally relax.
The plan changed when Troll seemed to be willing to walk by his OWN WILL. I asked him - "So, you remember this trailhead, and you enjoyed this path, uh?"
- Shut up. A very fine bitch, in her finest hour, has just passed on this trail. Leave me alone, will ya?
The time was 16:45PM when we left the trailhead, and Troll was walking just as fast as dog do, when ... a fine bitch has recently passed...
It was foggy the last time I walked this path, and I didn't see a thing. Even if I was familiar with the path, it was just like walking it for the first time. Up on the meadow, in the pass, my further route did not concur with Troll's choice of route, but I persuaded him to follow me up to Tverrfjellet. It's just incredible how much older he seems when there is no scent of a fine bitch ahead of him...
We reached Tverrfjellet 17:35PM. I gave the dog his lunch-box, took pictures and then relaxed. We were WAY ahead of schedule. It wasn't getting dark until 2 hours from now, although the sun would set a bit before that. I noticed a path coming up Snaufjellet, and considered following it down. But I chose dog exercise before exploring the forest, and after a quick descent, we were back at the car 18:25PM.
I witnessed a very fine sunset on the way home, and at the same time, a very fine moon. It's not many days in a year when I see the sun and moon at the same time. Altogether, it was a brilliant hike and a brilliant evening.
To Tverrfjellet
360 deg. wide-angle view from Tverrfjellet
50mm views
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Other pics from Tverrfjellet
The drive home
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