Norwegian Mountains, Nordland

Tilremshatten, 316m

Fylke/Kommune : Nordland/Brønnøy
Maps : 1826-III Vevelstad (Statens Kartverk, Norge 1:50 000)
Maps : 1825-IV Velfjord (Statens Kartverk, Norge 1:50 000)
Primary factor : 250m
Visited : May 2007
See also : Mosaksla
See also : Kjølsfjellet
See also : Torghatten
See also : Kverntinden

Tilremshatten seen from Ramntinden

Tilremshatten seen from Ramntinden


Tilremshatten is a low, long mountain ridge, connecting to the Mosfjellet massif, just northeast of Brønnøysund.

The top is very popular, and frequently found on the on the list of Fjelltrimmen tops in Brønnøy and Sømna kommuner.

Along this ridge, you pass a huge, impressive hole through the ridge. A fence has been put up to avoid accidents. Near the Tilremshatten trailhead at Skarsåsen, you'll find reminiscents from World War II. Follow the Krigsminne signs.

Tilremshatten, in front of Mosaksla

Tilremshatten, in front of Mosaksla

Primary factor:

Tilremshatten (Norge 1:50,000: -, Økonomisk Kartverk: 316,2m, UTM 33 W 374938 7268369) has a primary factor of 250m, towards the higher parent Mosaksla (526m). The saddle (approx. 33 W 375263 7269199) is found in Tilremskaret (ØK), between Salen and Medhatten. Ref. Økonomisk Kartverk (5m contours), the saddle is defined as a fixed point: 66m.

The Norge 1:50,000 point 315m (UTM 33 W 374907 7268267) is where the cairn and the visitor register is found. This point is found as point 314,84m on Økonomisk Kartverk. Point 315m is 109m south of point 316m.

Google map

Google's interactive map. You can zoom, pan and click on the markers.

Trail descriptions:

Notes: Class ratings are in reference to YDS. Click here for more information.

The trails described below are not necessarily the *easiest* trails to this mountain.

Skarsåsen - Tilremshatten (all seasons)

Difficulty : Class 1 (YDS)
Exposure : None
Comments : Parts of the trail are very muddy
Distance : Approx. 2,5Km to the top
Time : Approx. 1 hour to the top
Starting Elev.: Approx. 30m
Vertical Gain : Approx. 300m
Map of the area
Map of the area
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Detailed map
Detailed map
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(All distances are approx.)

Locate the RV17/RV76 junction (Horn/Andalsvågen/Vega), 2,8Km outside the centre of Brønnøysund. From here, follow RV17 (eastbound, not towards Horn) 1,1Km to Skaråsen. Turn left when you see the Krigsminne sign. Drive 350m up the gravel road and find parking on the right-hand side of the road.

The route

(names marked with ØK are derived from the Økonomisk Kartverk map)

Follow the road until you reach a fenced-in area. Locate the path that begind to the right of the fence. Cross a small ridge (Flata, ØK), then move (to the right) over to the main ridge (Stor-Skardsåsen, ØK). Next stop is Havlarstuva (180m), where you see the giant hole through the ridge. Proceed up Kløvningan (ØK), cross a small meadow (280m) before you rise up to the summit cairn at point 315m. You may (or may not) find a visitor register inside a container in the cairn.

Point 316m (the high point) is found 100m to the north. Very few seem to visit this point. There is no signs of a path, but the terrain is easy, and the distance is short.

The trail is in many sections very muddy.

Trip reports and pictures

Other pictures:

1. Wide-angle view from Ramntinden (876KB) 2. Zoom view from Kråkneshesten (746KB) 3. Zoom view from Skogmofjellet

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