Uksenøya island is located east of the city of Ålesund and is defined by Åsefjorden, Flisfjorden, Storfjorden and highway E39 (Ålesund - Skodje). E39 divides the island into two parts. There are 5 independent (primary factor >= 100m) tops exceeding 300m elevation on the south side, and one on the north (Rollandstua), 355m.
The two highest tops (Meraftafjellet and Ursfjellet) belong to Skodje kommune. The Ålesund - Skodje border runs 80m west of Ursfjellet summit (this mountain is also known as Vasstrandfjellet) and this peculiar border is probably correct (opposed to a map error). I don't know the politics of this border policy, but it would have been fun to find out.
The tops Akslanakken, Blindheimsfjellet/Høgelia and Emblemsfjellet (Emleimsfjellet on some maps) have a primary factor of less than 100m and are less prominent humps in this mountain region. It seems also some refer to the top of Blindheimsfjellet as Høgkubben. If you type "Høgkubben" on Norgesglasset, the program marks Blindheimsfjellet Looking at Økonomisk Kartverk, the top is marked as Høgkubben. Point 461m is unnamed on the 1:50,000 map, but Ø.K. reveals that the name is "Høgekubben". The sign at the top says "Høgkubben". Rather confusing. The final question is; where is Emblemsfjellet. There are no more tops that have not been accounted for.
The tops on the Uksenøya peninsula are popular, and you will find numerous trails and routes up here. This web-page will add trailheads and routes as I discover them. The mountain region is excellent for skiing as well as hiking, and there is also a downhill skiing facility at Høgelia above Spjelkavik.
The views are excellent, and Meraftafjellet and Ursfjellet are the recommended viewpoints, offering an incredible "wall" of mountains as far as your eyes can see. Many of these mountains are known as "Sunnmørsalpene" - The Sunnmøre alps.
Meraftafjellet (1:50,000: 576m, Ø.K: 577,98 ~ 578m, UTM 32 V 373801 6927445) has a primary factor of 578m, being the Uksenøya island high point.
Ursfjellet (1:50,000: 561m, Ø.K: 562,69m ~ 563m, UTM 32 V 371958 6929118) has a primary factor of 213m towards the higher Meraftafjellet (578m). The saddle is found W of Lake Svartevatnet. Ref the Økonomisk Kartverk, the saddle has a fixed point of 450m.
Spjelkavikfjellet (1:50,000: 456m, Ø.K: 457,93m ~ 458m) has a primary factor of 104m towards the higher Høgkubben (462m). The saddle is found in the small valley between the two tops. Ref the Økonomisk Kartverk (5m contours), the saddle has a fixed point of 454m, which is clearly wrong. The most likely value is 354m. The summit is also known as Geitnosa.
Høgkubben (1:50,000: 461m, Ø.K: 462,43m ~ 462m, UTM 32 V 369819 6927437) has a primary factor of 103m towards the higher Ursfjellet (563m). The saddle is found between lakes Langevatnet and Sætrevatnet. Ref the Økonomisk Kartverk (5m contours), the saddle has a fixed point of 359,1m. Note that some think of Blindheimsfjellet high point as Høgkubben (Norgesglasset included).
Haugtua (1:50,000: 354m, Ø.K: 353,95m) has a primary factor of 256m towards the higher Ursfjellet (563m). The saddle is found on top of Glomsetskaret. Ref the Økonomisk Kartverk, the saddle is within the range 100m-95m, interpolated to 98m.
Blindheimsfjellet (1:50,000: 450m, Ø.K: highest contour is 445m, 32 V 366435 6926780) has a primary factor of 62m towards the higher Spjelkavikfjellet (458m). The saddle is found S of Lake Blindheimsvatnet (Ø.K.: Strokevatnet). Ref the Økonomisk Kartverk, the saddle is within the range 390m-385m, interpolated to 388m.
Akslanakken (M711: 1:50,000: 343m, Ø.K: 348m (different point)) has a primary factor of 73m towards the higher Meraftafjellet (578m). The saddle is found in a pass between the two tops. Ref the Økonomisk Kartverk, the saddle has a fixed point; 274,8m ~ 275m.
Notes: Class ratings are in reference to YDS. Click here for more information.
The trails described below are not necessarily the *easiest* trails to this mountain.
Route #1: Vasstranda - Ursfjellet (all seasons)
From Spjelkavik, locate and follow the "Vasstrandvegen road", signed by "Stadion" and "Fjellheis". Follow this road 4,7Km along the south side of Lake Brusdalsvatnet. Just before you see the "Fjellveien" (signed) road up to the right, you will find a small turnout on the right-hand side of the road. Park here.
The route
The route consists of two parts; first the 2,5Km (slightly boring) forest road up to Lake Langevatnet. From the lake, turn left (northeast) and follow the path 250m until you reach a signed junction. Turn left and follow the path up to the cairns on Vasstrandfjellet (531m).
From Vasstrandfjellet, follow the marked path across the plateau until you reach the Ursfjellet summit, marked by a summit cairn and a trigonometric point. Between Vasstrandfjellet and Ursfjellet, you pass Gråsteinsegga, 548m (up to your left).
This route is also good for skiing, although the leg from Langevatnet to Vasstrandegga is steep uphill.
For pictures, refer to the below trip reports; Dec 29 2005, Jan 27 2007, Sep 15 2007.
Route #2: Rogneneset - Meraftafjellet (all seasons) Note; this roundtrip should only be attempted by those who are looking for routes outside the established trail systems!
From Ålesund, follow highway E39 towards Bergen and from Blindheim, turn onto highway RV60 towards Stranda. Follow RV60 all the way to the Magerholm ferry and then continue 4,5Km along highway RV656. Just after you pass the "Glomset" sign and a small bridge, look for a forest road on your left-hand side. Find a place to park nearby.
The route
Follow the forest road up (steep in the beginning) to 160m elevation, where you run into a road fork. Turn right and follow this road to its end (just up the hill). From here on, and especially if you are skiing, you have a cumbersome forest ahead of you (gets easier the higher you get). Much easier on foot! Maintain a northeast direction until you reach the path on Meraftafjellet's east ridge, coming from Gudmundsætra. Follow the east ridge upwards and stay right of the steepest part of the ridge. Pass viewpoint 518m and proceed along the ridge to the summit, marked by a trig. point and a large cairn.
Descend southwest towards the pass between Meraftafjellet and point 494m. On the map, you will see a path from Lake Svartevatnet. Follow this path if you see it. In any case, make your way down the steep forest to Heggebakksætra, and old building by a meadow at 275m elevation. The forest is too steep and awkward to ski down. Continue southeast until you locate the forest road that will take you back to the trailhead.
For pictures, refer to the below trip reports; Dec 31 2005.
Route #3: Skåtadalen - Blindheimsfjellet (summer/autumn) This route passes Høgelia; the top of the ski-track and slalom slope.
From Ålesund, follow highway E39 towards Bergen, and then RV60 towards Stranda. You arrive the E39 (left)/Blindheim (right) junction. Turn left and drive 430m. Turn right towards "Skotahaugan" and follow the main road (Skåtadalen) upwards 1,2Km until you reach the parking at Skåtahøgda.
The route
Follow a path that begins at the parking area. The path crosses a bridge and heads into the forest. In a little while you reach a trail junction (a sign is located on a tree up to your left). Turn right here, and follow the path which continues up to the ski-lift (Høgelia). Continue on path east-southeast towards Blindheimsfjellet. After you pass hump 404m, you have to descend a bit before you ascend up to the high point.
Route #4: "Turheisa" - Høgelia (summer/autumn) This route runs to Høgelia; the top of the ski-track and slalom slope.
From Ålesund, follow signs to Spjelkavik. At Spjelkavik, locate the Vasstrandvegen road (marked "Fjellheis" & "Stadion"). From the junction, Drive approx. 750m and turn right when you see the "Turheisa" sign. Drive until you see another "Turheisa" sign. You have a hall to your left. Turn right and drive up to the bottom of the ski-lift.
The route
Follow a lit trail from the bottom of the ski-lift. The trail runs southeast up to a meadow at approx. 210m elev., and then turns southwest and head towards the upper ski-lift area. Visit the top of the ski-lift and follow the slalom slope back to the trailhead.
For pictures, refer to the below trip reports; Jan 4 2006, Feb 21 2006.
Route #5: Emblem - Høgekubben (summer/autumn) This route runs past Emblemssætra (Emleimssætra on some maps).
From Ålesund, follow highway E39 towards Bergen, and then RV60 towards Stranda. Once you get onto RV60, you pass below E39. Set your odometer here. Continue on RV60 4,6Km and turn left onto an unsigned road (just after you've passed a speed-camera). Proceed 600m and pass two bridges along the way. Locate a road that leads up a house, with a stone fence along the road. You will head up this way. Find parking nearby.
The route
Head up the road to the first house and by the garage, turn left, cross the fence and cross the stream. Turn right and head up the hill until you run into a forest path that runs all the way to Emblemsætra cabins. In the beginning, the path stays close to a stream on your right-hand side. Soon, the path crosses this creek and heads into denser forest before the terrain opens up again. Parts of the route up to the cabins runs across wet ground, and during snowmelt, the path will at times resemble a small creek.
From Emblemsætra, just behind the buildings, locate a path that runs northwest below Høgekubben, and joins a more distinct path at the west side of Høgekubben's ridge. Follow the path up to the summit, which is marked by a cairn and a trig. point with a mailbox (which may or may not contain a visitor register). The elevation given on the summit cairn (450m) is wrong. 462m is the correct elevation (source; Økonomisk Kartverk). Descend your ascent route.
For pictures, refer to the trip reports; Jan 15 2006 and Feb 29 2008.
Route #6: Brusdalsvatnet - Spjelkavikfjellet (summer/autumn) The only good thing to be said about this round trip route is that your car isn't too far away, once the traverse has been completed. It's a rough, yet not difficult hike and is only suited for those who don't need a trail.
From Spjelkavik, locate and follow the "Vasstrandvegen road", signed by "Stadion" and "Fjellheis". Follow this road 3,6Km along the south side of Lake Brusdalsvatnet. You now have a turn-out on your right-hand side, where the bus turns around. Parking is prohibited here. Find parking on the right-hand side 100m ahead, without blocking for traffic to and from the cottages on the left-hand side of the road.
The route
Head back to the turn-out mentioned above. When you look up towards the Spjelkavikfjellet high point (right above you), you see a distinct gully just to the right of the top (I aim to find a route up this gully when it gets ice-free). To the right of this gully is a ridge that has some steep, vertical cliffs. Set a direct course through the forest, towards the base of these cliffs. The forest is a bit cumbersome, but not exposed in any way. An ice-axe will be a helpful tool. You'll understand why when you're there.
When you reach the base of the cliffs, turn right and follow the cliffs until you get on the mountain. Keep heading eastbound towards the summit. You will probably find it natural to ascend the summit point from the north. The summit is marked by a trig. point and a wooden mailbox that may contain a visitor's register. Note that the summit is marked as 456m on the 1:50,000 map, but as 458m on Økonomisk Kartverk (1:15,000).
Continue southeast across the easternmost Spjelkavikfjellet top and continue eastbound towards the Vasstranda - Langevatnet forest road, which you follow back to the main road. Also refer to route 1 on this page for more information about this forest road.
For pictures, refer to the trip report; Jan 28 2006.
Route #7: Turheisa - Blindheimsfjellet round trip (summer/autumn) This route description was written based on an after-dark hike in January.
The trailhead is the same as for route 4 - "Turheisa" - the base of the downhill slopes in Spjelkavik.
The route
Follow the lit trail southeast to 210m elevation, where the lit trail ends. Just before the end of the lit trail, you will see the "Turheisa" trailsign pointing towards your right. This route is described under route #4.
At the end of the lit trail, there is a trail junction. Follow the path to the right. This path continues southeast towards Bigtonhytta (cabin at approx. 295m elevation). If you lose the trail at the cabin, continue off-trail up to another cabin at approx. 345m. Your direction is towards Lake Blindheimsvatnet and up to your right, you have cliffs.
At approx. 400m elevation, you will easily find a way up to your right and head southbound for point 421m (not marked on the 1:50,000 map). On the map, you will see a path heading southwest from here. This path is - at best - vague. Be prepared to walk off-trail for a while. You will have descend to approx. 370m before you ascend on Blindheimsfjellet again. Once you start the ascend on the other side of the small valley, the path becomes visible.
The path takes you past Blindheimsfjellet's point 404m and continues westbound towards the top of the downhill slopes (Turheisa). Follow the downhilll slopes back to the trailhead.
Route #8: Glomset - Haugtua round trip (summer/autumn)
From Ålesund, follow highway E39 towards Bergen and from Blindheim, turn onto highway RV60 towards Stranda. Follow RV60 all the way to the Magerholm ferry and then continue 7,7Km along highway RV656. Just have just crossed a bridge and see a road forking to the left, between two bus-stops.
Drive 150m and in the upcoming junction, turn right. Drive 300-400m upwards and find a place to park.
The route
Follow the forest road upwards to 100m elevation. You see a forest road coming down to your right. You will be coming back this way. But for now, follow the main forest road until approx. 135m elevation, where you will follow a rougher forest road that forks off to the right. This road runs northeast up to 180m elevation, then turns westbound and ends at approx. 210m elevation.
Apparently, there is a path that runs up by the forest, but I didn't find it. If you don't either, you have two options; a) Head directly upwards 50m before the road ends. Initially, there is some bush fighting, but the terrain soon opens up. b) Pass the road end with 50m and head upwards next to the forest. Follow the terrain as it climbs, and you will reach the top which contains a bench w/table, a mailbox with the visitor's register and a trig. point.
Descend the east ridge on path to 130m elevation, where you run into a crossing forest road. Turn right and follow this road 250m. You see a manmade device here (I can't recall what it was, it looked like an outdoor toilet) and the forest road curves to your right. Leave the road and keep maintaining a soutwest direction through the forest. The map says there is a trail here, but I saw no signs of it. Eventually, you will join the forest road you ascended.
For pictures, refer to the trip report; Feb 25 2006.
Route #9: Blindheimsfjellet from Blindheim (summer/autumn)
From Ålesund, follow highway E39 towards Bergen. At Blindheim, turn onto highway RV60 (Stranda). When you pass the Shell gas station at Blindheim, turn left in the roundabout. By the gas station, turn right towards "Blindheimsenteret". Follow the road upwards 400m and turn left on "Blindheimsvegen". After 50m, turn left on a minor road that leads to Blindheim Helsesenter. Park here.
The route
The path begins by Blindheim Helsesenter. You see the handrails that lead up to the forest. Just follow the forest path all the way to the Blindheimsfjellet summit cairn and trig. point.
This is a popular trail, and chances are that the trail is mostly broken in winter.
For pictures, refer to the below trip reports; Mar 11 2006, June 6 2006, Oct 19 2006.
Route #10: Blindheimsfjellet from Eikenosa (summer/autumn)
From Ålesund, follow highway E39 towards Bergen. At Blindheim, turn onto highway RV60 (Stranda). When you pass the Shell gas station at Blindheim, go straight ahead in the roundabout. Continue along RV60 2,4Km and turn left when you see the "Eikenos" sign. Drive up the narrow and curver road. After 1,4Km you face a 3-way junction. Follow the middle (and main) road. 200m further up the road you will find parking. The road is blocked by a gate here.
The route
Follow the service road all the way to Lake Røssevollsvatnet, then head westbound and pick a route towards Blindheimsfjellet. I have not hiked this section and will be back with details later on.
Along the service road you pass Ivar Aasen Hytta (a building to your right). If you look to the left in this junction, you will see a forest path. This path also leads to the lake. Should you choose to include it on your hike, follow it upon ascent. It is harder to locate from the lake.
For pictures, refer to the trip report; Apr 27 2006.
Route #11: Vassnakken from Magerholm (summer/autumn)
Vassnakken (430m) is a forest hill located just west of Meraftafjellet. The path between Austreimsætra and Vallesætra runs north of the mountain. The fastest route runs from Magerholm and is described below.
From Ålesund, follow highway E39 towards Bergen. At Blindheim, turn onto highway RV60 (Stranda) and drive 7,8Km to Magerholm. Just after the ferry, you see a forest road on the left-hand side. This is your trailhead. Find parking on the right-hand side of the road.
The route
Follow the forest road upwards. The road gets quickly (surprisingly) rough and seems washed out. The road forks at 170m elevation. Stay left. You pass Magerholmsætra (up on your left-hand side) at 240m elevation. Follow the road to its end and continue directly northbound off-trail to the top of Vassnakken. Dead trees are the main obstacles on this short route up the forest.
Upon descent, descend the same route, but try to gradually move to the southwest and get onto the other forest road further east in the valley. This road merges with your ascent route at the fork mentioned above.
For pictures, refer to the trip report; June 8 2006.
Route #12: Akslankken from Reitane (all seasons)
Akslanakken (348m) is a forest hill with steep cliffs, located above Magerholm - the ferry connection to Ørsneset (Sykkylven, Stranda, ...)
No distinct path seem to lead up to the high point, which is not marked. On the 1:50,000 map, you will see point 343m. but the high point is 150m to the northeast. The views are partly cluttered because of trees that have taken a beating due to their exposed location.
You can come in directly on foot from the north, by following the forest road to Austreimsætra, or ski in from the east. For access from the east, the Magerholm trailhead may be a better choice. See route 11 above.
From Ålesund, follow highway E39 towards Bergen. At Blindheim, turn onto highway RV60 (Stranda) and drive 5,9Km towards Magerholm. Turn left onto an unsigned road that immediately forks.
160m to the right and then left will take you to Austreim. 100m to the left and then right will take you to Reitane. Any road is fine, as they both lead to the Austreimsætra forest road. There is no official parking, but you can try your luck at either trailhead.
The route
Follow the Austreimsætra forest road upw to approx. 210m elevation. After passing a bulletin board, leave the road and follow a skiing track (lit) halfway to lake Melsvatnet. Look for a place (you need to get close) to ascend the ridge. Once up on the ridge, proceed south/southwest to the second ridge. Find a place to ascend and continue up to the high point. Once you reach the high point, you'll get a good overview of the terrain around you.
For pictures, refer to the trip report; Dec 17 2006.
Route #13: Goldtheiane from Brusdalen (summer/autumn)
Goldtheiane (431m) is a forest hill located by Lake Sætrevatnet and Austreimsætra. The top has no name, neither on the 1:50,000 map, nor Økonomisk Kartverk. The name was derived from a cartoon map located at Austreimsætra.
Many routes will lead you to Goldtheiane. The most convenient routes seem to be from Aksla/Reitane via Austreimsætra, and from Glomset via Vallesætra. This section describes approach from a trailhead in Brusdalen. A good alternative, if you want to minimize time spent on forest roads.
From Ålesund, follow highway E39 towards Åndalsnes. From the E136/E39/Olsvika roundabout near Breivka, follow E39 approx. 12Km. You're now on a hilltop, and the RV661 exit towards Skodje is just 1,3Km down the road. You will see a forest road on your right-hand side, and there is room for 3-4 cars.
The route
Follow the forest (tractor) road 400m and keep heading southbound on a forest path. Cross a meadow. Once on the other side, seek left to get back on the path. Follow the path towards Lake 85m (Ørnakktjønna). The path runs closer to the forest hill to your right, than to the lake.
The path continues along the stream draining to the lake, up the forest and across a distinct meadow before it descends towards Øvrestølen cabins. Here, you join the forest road from Glomset, which lasts for only 500m. Continue up to Vallesætra on a visible path. At Vallesætra, leave the path (which continues towards Austreimsætra), and pick a route up to Goldtheiane. The top is not marked in any way.
Descend your ascent route, or consider moving on to Ursfjellet (Vasstrandegga) and go off-trail along the forest ridge (across Stortua) back to Lake 85m.
For pictures, refer to the trip report; Dec 23 2006.
Route #14: Meraftafjellet from Nonsvika (summer/autumn)
From Ålesund, follow highway RV60 (Stranda) to Magerholm. Contiune on RV656 approx. 6,7Km. At Nonsvika bay, just in front of a few houses to your right, locate a forest road on the left-hand side of the road.
The route
Follow the forest road to the top of the hill. Turn left and pass a gate. You have a signed trail fork here. Turn right, and follow the forest road NE and then NW. You pass a garage-looking building before the forest road turns SW, aiming for the drain from Lake Heimste Demmingsvatnet (lake 161m on the map). Cross the drain and head up the lake.
Turn left when you see a mailbox in front of the lake, and follow a path up a small valley. On top of the valley, the forest path continues up to your right. You reach a small meadow. Cross it in the western direction, and follow the forest path up Meraftafjellet's eastern ridge.
At 420m elevation, you have a slightly steep ridge in front of you. Head up a bit left of center. There are no problems involved with this section. Once on the ridge, pass point 518m, and proceed the remaining 700m up to the summit. This section of the route is cairned.
An alternative start is to start 300m SW of the trailhead describe above. Park on a turnout on the right-hand side of the road, follow a vague path up to a meadow where you see a hunting viewpoint up in a tree. Turn right and northbound on path until you join drain from Lake Heimste Demmingsvatnet and the forest path described above.
For pictures, refer to the trip report; Apr 4 2006.
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